Kamis, 28 Februari 2013
HKBP Pasar Rebo
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Pada hari ini, Minggu tanggal 03 Maret 2013, kita memasuki Minggu Okuli yang
berarti, “Mataku tetap terarah kepada Tuhan” (Mazmur 25 : 15a). Oleh karena
itu, marilah kita senantiasa tetap mengarahkan hidup kita kepada Tuhan. Dan
selesai khotbah kita akan mengumpulkan persembahan ke depan untuk kategorial
Sekolah Minggu HKBP.
Alamat HKBP Pasar Rebo
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Water Hack Burns 2 lb of Fat OVERNIGHT
At least 160,000 women and men are trying a easy and secret "water hack" to burn 1-2lbs every night in their sleep.
It is effective and works on everybody.
Here are the easy steps for this hack:
1) Get a clear glass and fill it up with water half the way
2) And then do this weight loss HACK
and become 1-2lbs thinner as soon as tomorrow!
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